Monday, July 22, 2019


They aren’t quite dead when they separate from their branches. Their chlorophyll blood will take a few more days to dry up completely. They will fall slowly to the ground, and join the others. Romantic and photogenic as it may seem, this is really the most tragic season in the life of plants; not even Flora, their goddess, can help.

A sidewalk lined with fallen leaves is not, as one may think, a nursing home for elderly leaves to gather and reminisce about the old times, and soften the path for kid’s bikes and old people’s walkers.

Let’s imagine life from the viewpoint of, say, a sycamore leaf. We’ll call it Sy. Fall has started one week ago, and Sy begins to turn yellow, then light orange. A few more days and now it hangs to the tree by a thread. Finally, a vigorous gust of wind sends it airborne. So it flies for a while and, horror of horrors, lands on a pile of dead, decomposing leaves. Sy remains there for three long days. When another gust of wind finally blows Sy away from that ghostly site, it also places it a long distance from its mother, the tree, which in turn feels lonely and exposed, as it becomes a skeleton.

At this moment, when the end is coming, being close to a loving mother would make a big difference. But as the days go by, Sly gets blown farther and farther away from the tree, to the other side of a hill, where it can no longer see its mother’s balding canopy.

This new knowledge should not keep you, reader, from enjoying the beautiful foliage of fall. It just goes to show that tragedy is, sometimes, painted with glorious colors.


  1. Lawrence Kinger, Writer of enormous talent,mérits more recognition

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  3. Beautiful, Laurence (with 'u')! Talent is the least. Talent without perseverance, richness of language, sense of writing, a lot of work, true literary qualities and a professional eye, is nothing. Your work has all this and more: is sensitive, imaginative, has style and a generous and creative vocabulary. You know (and have always known) the secrets and difficulties of writing (in English and in Portuguese). That’s why you write so well and it is a real pleasure to read you!

    You are already recognized and do not need to be applauded as these narcissistic and not very evolved people, lacking others admiration. As with talent, approval is the less important. Time always separate the truth from imposture. Just continue to be the wonderful and honest writer you are.

  4. Butch darling, this Fall leaves is so beautiful, so touching that almost made me cry. Your gaze is pure compassion and your writing, pure poetry. You've softened my heart.
