Just like Stop signs in Italy and No Smoking signs in Russia, Fragile stickers all over the world get no respect.
Although bright red and written in bold letters, they command no attention. Reverse psychology makes baggage handlers and delivery people give rougher-than-usual treatment to containers with Fragile stickers. Actually, putting a Fragile sticker on your package practically guarantees that it will arrive damaged at its destination.
Travel bags checked in with Fragile stickers will show up in baggage areas fully open, their contents shamefully scattered all over conveyor belts for everyone to see.
Still, Fragile stickers keep pretending that they work, and people keep buying them. It’s one of those things we never learn, such as adopting chimpanzees as pets even after reading about people’s faces being ripped off by deceptively friendly primates.
Still, Fragile stickers keep pretending that they work, and people keep buying them. It’s one of those things we never learn, such as adopting chimpanzees as pets even after reading about people’s faces being ripped off by deceptively friendly primates.
Stuborn people